The real Power of NOW

Julia Haffner
3 min readFeb 17, 2021


It is not what you think it is.

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

Everyone talks about being in the present moment… be still and be.. It sounded so woo-woo to me. Even after reading Eckhart Tolle’s Book on the Power of Now — I still didn’t get it. Until one day it simply dawned on me.

If you understand why your now moment is important — your entire life will shift in a nanosecond. We are truly powerful when we use our power of our now moment.

What is NOW?

Now is the PAST.

It is over. It is dead. You cannot do anything with it anymore.

NOW is the manifested physical reality that you created with your thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions…, your attitude. You cannot change it anymore. It happened. That’s it.

But we as humans were conditioned to believe that you can change your circumstances by changing the present moment. If you don’t like it: struggle, work harder, work more, work even more… grind — grind- grind.

What they (the society, the system, friends, books, motivational videos… you name it) what they don’t realize is that the result in your present moment cannot be changed anymore.

Like a banana peel that you don’t need anymore after you eat it. It is something to be thrown away… otherwise it will start deteriorating and composting…

The same with your physical reality's present moment. You don’t like it — throw it away in your mind. Do not dwell on it. It happened because of your past thoughts and feelings. It is only a confirmation of what you were thinking in the past.

So, why do we need the present moment for?

To create the future that we would like to experience.

In the present moment, we have this opportunity to think only of the things we want to happen to us. Only the things that make us joyful, happy and blissful.

The present moment is the BEST moment to create the life of your dreams.

So, you don’t like your current situation? Don’t work harder, don’t do any of that.

Ignore the physical reality.

Ignore your outside circumstances.

Do not pay any attention to it anymore. Let it be there.

Tell yourself:

“It is only my past thinking. It only means that I am a powerful creator! I am a super manifestor!! I can manifest anything that I want!”

Now, what is it you would like to experience instead?

Find yourself in a relaxed state if you can, and for 30–40 seconds see yourself being that amazing person who has everything you want! As Abraham Hicks teach, it only takes 17 seconds to activate a thought and think only about that thought. That will bring you to the frequency of your desired manifestations and that in turn will activate that desired “future” that is already on its way to you the moment you thought about that.

Ask yourself: “How would I feel if I had that desired result?”

For example:

Current physical 3D situation: “I received bills and don’t have enough money to pay them.”

Ideal and desired situation: “I am abundant and I love to pay any bill. Not only for myself but also for my family and friends.”

What would you feel were that statement true?

Feel it NOW, in this present moment.

Bask in it, enjoy it, bring up every colorful positive emotion that you can.


BE it.

Be THAT person who has reached all your goals with ease.

Only for 30–40 seconds, and then let it go. Drop it. Don’t think of it.

After that, do something that can help others. Be of service to someone. Help someone. Be the best at your work. Give 110% today. Whatever you can do that day to elevate others. Leave them with the impression of increase.

Because our world is a mirror.

Whatever you do — it reflects it and does the same to you.

So if you give, the world will give back to you even more.

It is so wonderfully simple and amazing!

Try it out!

Be in the present “future” moment now!



Julia Haffner

Quit being a doctor to search for the secrets of the Universe that help others grow, expand their consciousness and heal from within.