You Are Not Struggling — You Are Evolving!

What if every challenge is actually a gift in disguise?

Julia Haffner
2 min readOct 13, 2022
Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

You are on the right path. If you are reading this, please know that everything will be ok, because you are doing the best you can.

You are making the choices that are for your highest good.
You are doing and giving it all to get where you need to get.
Never never never doubt yourself and belittle your efforts.
You are here today because you are meant to be here today.

Everything has led you here.

All -what seems to be — struggles, challenges, problems, obstacles — are only stepping stones to your bright future. You are only catching up to the best version of yourself who is meant to do what you do.

Allow this to happen … let the challenges unfold in the most magical and inspiring ways to lead you where you need to be.

Don’t be ever discouraged if something is blocking you from moving forward. Please know, it is meant to be. Relax and let go of that situation and move on with your life.

As Bob Proctor says, many problems resolve themselves if you simply neglect them. Let it go and embrace the magic that is meant to unfold and express…



Julia Haffner

Quit being a doctor to search for the secrets of the Universe that help others grow, expand their consciousness and heal from within.